Steam Turbine Solutions is the only used equipment vendor that specializes specifically in steam turbines and steam power plants. We have a staff of engineers that can perform all the calculations needed to size the unit to your specific steam conditions and assess the condition of the unit to make sure you buy the best unit on the market for your specific need. Most other vendors you find in your google searches sell everything from nuts and bolts,small electric motors to process equipment. They just sell you the unit they purchased at auction and leave you on your own to determine if it will work in your cycle. Don’t be fooled by their paid ads and position in google searches.
STS will work closely with you and your engineers to insure a successful project no matter the application. No other vendor can claim this in-house expertise and willingness to help you with your project.
Please contact STS for your next steam turbine project. we will be happy to help you select the right equipment